
Über die Digitale Welt Convention - DIGICON 2021

Die DIGICON ist das Jahresevent des Digitale Stadt München e.V. und eine bedeutende Konferenz in der Metropolregion München.

Die Digitalisierung durchdringt alle heutigen Lebensbereiche, prägt Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik – und ist der Schlüssel in unsere Zukunft. Die DIGICON bringt dazu über 350 renommierte Experten und Top-Entscheider aus Industrie, Politik und Forschung zusammen, um sich über Innovationen und digitale Zukunftschancen auszutauschen. In diesem Rahmen wird jedes Jahr auch der Digital Innovation Award an das innovativste Unternehmen mit einem zukunftsgestaltenden Konzept verliehen.

Dieses Jahr findet die DIGICON am Mittwoch, 17.11.2021, unter folgendem Motto statt:

Quantum Applications - Wie ein Quantenvorteil entsteht

Aufgrund der aktuellen Situation wird die Konferenz rein online abgehalten. 

Mehr Infos zum Veranstaltungsprogramm erfahren Sie auf: https://digitaleweltmagazin.de/digicon/

protektplus - 16. März 2021


Betreiber kritischer Infrastrukturen stehen durch die Corona-Pandemie vor vielfältigen neuen Herausforderungen. Dazu zählen unter anderem der Lockdown und der Wiederanlauf danach, zunehmende Spam- und Phishing-Kampagnen sowie die Absicherung im Home Office. Am 16. März 2021 findet einmalig die protekt plus statt – als digitale Konferenz zu zentralen aktuellen Fragestellungen rund um IT-Sicherheit und Corporate Security in kritischen Infrastrukturen. Nachdem die für November 2020 von der Leipziger Messe und ihren Partnern geplante protekt als Präsenzveranstaltung kurz vor der Durchführung pandemiebedingt abgesagt werden musste, will die protekt plus den KRITIS-Betreibern zeitnah wichtiges Knowhow vermitteln.


The health of our visitors, guests and employees is our top priority at the Information Security Hub at Munich Airport. The dynamic development makes a daily reassessment of the situation necessary. As a result, we have decided to cancel all events until March 7, 2021 and shut down the facility completely until this date. Our staff will only work mobile until further notice.


Aktuelle Information von Februar 2021


Die Gesundheit unserer Besucher, Gäste und Mitarbeiter hat für uns im Information Security Hub am Flughafen München höchste Priorität. Die dynamische Entwicklung macht eine tagtägliche Neueinschätzung der Lage notwendig. Daher haben wir uns dazu entschlossen bis zum 7. März 2021 weiterhin alle Veranstaltungen abzusagen, sowie die Location bis dahin komplett zu schließen. Die Mitarbeiter des Information Security Hubs werden bis auf Weiteres nur mobil arbeiten.



Due to the current situation and the increasing spread of the corona virus in Germany, Detect & Defend on 17 & 18 March unfortunately has to be cancelled.

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We are pleased to be represented as a partner at DETECT & DEFEND 2020!

With the Information Security Hub, Munich Airport offers an ultra-modern test and practice environment for IT security. Companies, government agencies and other institutions can use it to train and educate security experts for their organizations and to jointly test technologies and processes that will be used in the future.
For that reason we believe the  DETECT & DEFEND 2020 is the perfect match for us. 

Further information and registration can be found here.


  • Date: Tuesday 3 March 2020
  • Time: 08:30 - 10:30
  • Venue: Information Security Hub (ISH), Munich Airport, Germany

International Airport Review and Munich Airport invite you to join an exclusive and complimentary breakfast briefing on the latest trends in airport IT & security. This two hour briefing has limited availability so don’t miss this unique opportunity to network with your industry peers.

Sign up today as places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Buffet breakfast and refreshments will be provided. For further information visit us here.


CMS Security Summit with Google

After a successful day 2 at the Information Security Hub the CMS Security Summit with Google comes to an end. The event was an invitation-only workshop for security leads with CMS platforms and ecosystems with the goal to share knowledge and foster collaboration around security issues that affect CMS platforms and ecosystems.




At LabCampus we eat, sleep and dream innovation. It’s in our backbone. It is why we are so excited to be piloting a brand new innovation service: the Terminal Testlab.

The very first edition of the Testlab which focuses on digital security will kick off on the 3rd of February 2020. In collaboration with the Center Digitisation.Bavaria (ZD.B), the Information Security Hub (ISH), IABG and ComCode we aim to create more awareness around digital security. 

Are you interested in learning more about the Terminal Testlab? Then visit us here.


Training Events 2019

November 2019: VR Business Club

VR Business Club


September 2019: Join our ISH training portfolio

Let's have a look at our IoT Bootcamp Training for example. It covers all aspects of IoT Security, from the technologies and testing methodologies to the vulnerabilities. The main focus is offensive security: attacking and testing the devices and platforms.


More information and training events: https://www.ish-muc.com/training

June 25, 2019  - IT-Security for Companies

Here comes a wonderful event with IHK about IT Security! At this free of charge event you receive an in-depth guidance on how to set up your company more secure. Join us if you are interested and ask experts about your individual challenges!

Jun 11, 2019 - Opening Event: VR Business Club Spaces München

Time: 18:00 - 21:00

with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technologies, people nowadays are able to bridge distances and meet without any time loss, cost effectively and sustainably. For this purpose, we have created a platform called VR Business Club Spaces. This platform will open entrance points, the so-called "Stargates", at different locations in Germany, which will enable our members, partners and guests to easily connect with other participants in the virtual space.

We look forward to receiving your registration for the Kickoff Event by 25 May 2019 at info@vrbusiness.club.


May 22 - 24, 2019  - Plugfest BIG-EU

The purpose of the Plugfest is to improve BACnet implementations and testing methods. It prevents from errors during commissioning and from mistakes in product development. The Plugfest provides device testing in pairing and round table sessions. Following the positive feed-back we will again organize three developer presentations. Applications for brief presentations are welcome.
More information: https://bacnetplugfest.org/